"PLMXML-XSLT Processor" is a special software for Transformaton of PLMXML. It based on the XSLT prozessor from GNOME project libxslt. This tool includes automatic traversal of references. (See the example below.)
Download: PLMXML-XSLT Processor (Trial Version)
Help text
>..\bin\pst.exe -help
Special transformation for PLMXML without "Ref <=> ID" shit
pst.exe [-ref=] [-basis=] [-xslt=]
[-prot=|NONE|STDOUT] [-out=|STDOUT] [-help]
PLMXML_File PLMXML source file
-ref Name of file with rererences to tarverse.
You can generate the file with "PlmSki PLMXML-Viewer".
To do this, use the menu: "Extra=>Options=>References"
If not defined the following references are traversed:
'accessRefs', 'assigneeRef',
'associatedAttachmentRefs', 'attachmentRef',
'dataRef', 'dataSetRef',
'formRef', 'formRef',
'GeneralRelationRef', 'icoRefs',
'instancedRef', 'instanceRefs',
'masterRef', 'memberRef',
'memberRefs', 'occurrenceRefs',
'organisationMemberRef', 'organisationRef',
'organisationRefs', 'ownerRefs',
'partRef', 'personRef',
'ref2classRef', 'relatedRefs',
'releaseStatusRefs', 'resourcePoolRef',
'revisionRef', 'roleRef',
'rootInstanceRef', 'rootRefs',
'scheduleRef', 'subTaskRefs',
'summaryTaskRef', 'traverseRootRefs',
'value (of project_list)', 'value (of release_status_list)',
-basis XPath for the selection of the basic XML element nodes
for the processing.
Default is "/plm:PLMXML/plm:Header".
You can test it with "PlmSki PLMXML-Viewer".
To do this, use the menu:
"Transformation=>PlmSki Transformaton=>Step 2"
-xslt Name of the xslt-file
-param Parameter for the XSLT
-prot Name for protokol file.
If not defined STDOUT.
If -prot=NONE no protocol.
-out Name for result file.
If not defined STDOUT.
-help Help text
Example 1:
Generate XML with output from "PlmSki Translation step 2"
cd G:\PLMXML-XSL-Transformation\bin\..\examples
..\bin\pst.exe example.plmxml -out=new.xml
Example 2:
Generate text with information about top ProductRevision in a BOM
cd G:\PLMXML-XSL-Transformation\bin\..\examples
..\bin\pst.exe example.plmxml -ref=ref.xml -xslt=firstRevOfBom.xslt -out=new.txt
Example 3:
Generate text with information about all Revisions
cd G:\PLMXML-XSL-Transformation\bin\..\examples
..\bin\pst.exe example.plmxml -basis=/plm:PLMXML/plm:ProductRevision -xslt=allRev.xslt -out=new.txt
XSLT Example